Thursday, 7 March 2013

Why Marriage Matching Required?

                 Why Marriage Matching Required?
Marriage is very important role in life. So, ever one should take care of marriage event for better and happy married life.  Marriage not for fulfils our physical, mental, emotional feelings and it’s not for business to improve our assets & status. 
Responsibility, Commitment, Love, Social awareness will improve due to marriage. Marriage should help us to grow in life, economically, physically, mentally. It should give piece of mind, healthy, wealthy life and happy life.
Now a days lot of people are checking & verifying only economy status, Job status, Education, Social status while fixing the marriage, without verifying the horoscopes. Marriage matching is very important and essential to lead happy married life.
Now a days lot of divorces are happening.  Even one divorce may cause harmful to society. The divorce after child birth is very horrible situation. That child’s carrier will spoil, and some cases they may become harmful to society.
In some cases couples are facing problem in child birth and conceiving. Some people are don’t have children after so many years also. Some people will get unhealthy or physical disability or mental disability children. Sometimes children will die in short span of time. Some times abortions will happen.
Some couples are always quarrel each other and unhappy with each other. No understanding and cooperation between them. Don’t love each other, they will take decisions & give preferences according to their own ideas & interests instead consulting partners.
Some people are separating with their own mistakes and some people are separating because of their relative interferences.
Some couples are separating due to bad relationships with others. And some people are maintaining 2nd family without knowing of partner.
Sometimes accidents or deaths are happening after marriage. Some people are getting health problems or hospitalisation after marriage. Some people are economically come down after marriage. Some people are loose job and everything  after marriage.
Some people grown very well before marriage, after marriage their growth will stop. No growth economically in life. And some people facing lot of problems like court cases, debits and jail life.
Some people are doesn’t have sexual capability or don’t have interest in romance or physical contact. Some people may “Eunuch”. Some may have unmasculine.
To avoid all above problems we should check, verify and match the horoscopes of bride and bridegroom. By the marriage matching report we can avoid problems up to 80% to 90% for happy  married life. We can avoid lot divorces cases by marriage matching compatibility.
By V.R .Kolla


  1. Marriage matching is a very challenging issue. Though it all relies on fate but we the individuals are always looking for excellent suits for marriage. Most of enough time individuals go with astrology for the best marriage matching

  2. This matching is very important before getting marriage. In India, most of the people believe in horoscope matching.marriage matching
